Evolve Therapeutic Services Center | Therapy - Counseling - Life Coaching - Wellness Services - Minooka, IL

Monica Jasper, MA, Psych, MA, Ed, LPC

WOMEN and CHILDREN – These are the people that I am so passionate about working with.

My name is Monica Jasper. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor, a mother, a former school teacher and a woman on her own healing journey.

WOMEN…come talk with me if you are dealing with issues such as divorce, depression, anxiety.

“Heal your roots so your tree stands strong and tall.” – Rumi

Let me walk with you on a journey down to your roots. Let’s uncover and explore, illuminate and understand, heal and grow strong and tall.

PARENTS…bring your CHILDREN to work with me on matters such as behavior issues, self esteem and emotional regulation.

“For children, it takes a healthy mind and feeling loved no matter what to grow up and be who you really are.” – Leo Buscgalia

Let me use my experience as a counselor, a mother and a school teacher to help your child. Together let’s work to build up health and love in your child so he/she can grow up to be who they really are.



  • Divorce support for women and children
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Womens’ issues
  • Childrens’ behavior issues
  • Childrens’ emotional issues
  • Parenting


Available weekday nights, Saturdays and Sundays

Evolve Therapeutic Services Center | Therapy – Counseling – Life Coaching – Wellness Services – Minooka, IL